
Knowledge and experience of the Chinese market is an important advantage offered by Sinolink. Combined with our full coverage Chinese network, our Chinese subsidiary and Chinese staff, our knowledge of distribution channels, products management, clearly demonstrates our high-quality range of services and consultancy.


Added value service

SINOLINK can help, we are familiar with rules, regulations and business possibilities. We can set up your webshop in the Chinese language, host and maintain your webshop. Our Chinese subsidiary will translate all product information and design the Webshop in line with your expectations at very affordable prices. 

China offers unprecedented sales opportunities for manufacturers and suppliers of quality European products and technologies. 


Project management

Sinolink provides added value consulting service for both Dutch projects and Chinese Projects with our specility and knowledge, by understanding of the difference between Dutch and Chinese business culture.

Currently Sinolink helps companies and brands in the industry of food, food supplement, Horticulture, cosmetics, mum&baby products, etc.

Our advantages of Consulting Service:

- low costs of operation

- successful team experience of marketing and products management

- good business relations and distribution channels

- thinking in customers' perspective of avoiding troubles and solving your bottle neck.